EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (2024)

Pages: [1] :: one pageAuthorThread Statistics | Show CCP posts - 0 post(s)EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (1)
United League of Independents

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (2)

Posted - 2007.05.13 19:18:00 -[1]
Edited by: SULAN BARHIR on 13/05/2007 19:19:35
Edited for typos

I'm a 23 year old(no, not my eve ageEVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (5)) looking for a new corp. I play fare and hard when given an objective, and I can provide myself with the top of the line equipment for a good fight. I've been on Eve for more than two years now, however, after leaving my first corp, I never was able to fit in to any other group. Well I'm hoping that it's all going to change now, so I can finally have the fun that I intended to have when I first signed up for this.

A bit about my history: (please skip to the bottom if this looks to longEVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (6))

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (7)When you look at my employment history, you will notice that I have been through a lot of corps. Two of those, Guarding Logistics and my current corp, United League of Independence, were created by me. I always wanted to be the head of my own corp, but my real life responsibilities don't allow me the time I need for all that CEO work. But I tried, twice anyway. But I figure it's time to accept it and move on anyway.

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (8)I left my first corp, Crossflow Enterprises, due to lack of activity. I may not have much time to play eve, but when I do, I expect to be busy either killing, being killed, or miningEVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (9).

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (10)I had to leave my last corp, The Department of Justice, due to the stupidity of my brother. He's a 13 year old, and he made an error in judgement. And since I had recruited him to this perticular corp, I was let go along with him, even though I didn't dirctly do anything wrong. Oh well, that's the last time I'm gona hang out with him!EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (11)

Anyways, I hope I can start over fresh, so here's a brief list of what I am capable of:

I can
EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (12)Engage in battle in a BS fully loaded with tech II gear
EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (13)Spend 3+ hours online, about 3-5 days a week
EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (14)Sit and wait for hours on end for the sake of guarding corp assets
EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (15)Mine in a covetor
EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (16)Participate in corp mining ops and skirmish/alliance warfare

I live in Vancouver so expect me to be online between 1700-2200 Pacific time. Not these days though, I'm not online much unless I get a job in a new corpEVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (17)

Oh and 0.0 access would be great! Once you're in there, high sec becomes super boringEVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (18)


EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (19)
Exortius Amarrus
The Clearwater Society
Firmus Ixion

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (20)

Posted - 2007.05.13 20:10:00 -[2]
TCWS can change your EVE experience, and be that group that you fit in to.

We're a 100% US/Canadian corporation, involved in all aspects of EVE, although shooting things is our preferred method of entertainment.

If you're interested, read our recruitment thread and join channel "TCWS" in-game to chat with us. You can apply on our website.

I look forward to hearing from you.

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (23)
The Wild Hunt
FATAL Alliance

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (24)

Posted - 2007.05.13 20:41:00 -[3]
Nice to see you, to see you NICE! EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (27)

Have a read of our thread and see if we'r what your looking for.

TWH Recruitment Thread.

If so, please take our TWH Recuitment Questionnaire if you wish to join us =)

TWH Recuitment Questionnaire

We Also like 24

There Was A Time When The World Asked Ordinary Men To Do Extraordinary ThingsEVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (28)
Duun Suhuy
Incognito Inc

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (29)

Posted - 2007.05.13 21:55:00 -[4]
Hey Sulan, you seem pretty close to what we look for in pilots. We are a very experienced, small PVP corp with 0.0 access and all that jazz. We have no alliance, but fight in fleet battles when we feel like it, or just roam deep into enemy territory to have some fun.

Got a couple of the best FCs in the game to lead the way, soif your interested, give me an EvE-mail and we'll talk.
Duun Suhuy
Incognito Inc

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (32)
Jeff Drake

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (33)

Posted - 2007.05.14 01:04:00 -[5]



Looking for combat pilots for action in 0.0 and Empire. Primary focus on team-based mobile fireteams and small unit tactics. Plenty of active targets for even the most seasoned combat pilots.

What we offer:

Consistent combat targets.
Manufacturing support - ships, mods, etc.
Special operations (alliance and corporate-level).
Access to several regions of 0.0 space.
Opportunity to participate in large-scale fleet operations.
Access to alliance-based resources, manufacturing, etc.
2600-person alliance.


Primarily U.S. player base. Alliance has a sizeable amount of EU / non-U.S. personnel, all races, all TZ's welcome to apply.

What we require:

Active participation.
PvP Interest.
Interest in learning about combat, tactics and strategy.
Level headed. - we don't need loose cannons/hotheads.

TS w/Mic is mandatory for all combat ops.

Convo or e-mail Mar vel or, Jeff Drake or Detriment in game.

Or join HYDRA_PUBLIC if interested.

Happy hunting

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (36)
Klaus Hauptmann
Ihatalo Navy
Ihatalo Cartel

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (37)

Posted - 2007.05.14 02:48:00 -[6]
Take a look at our website here, and see if a move to the Ihatalo Cartel would suit you.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via the in-game channel IHATALO CARTEL.

Ihatalo Navy

For recruitment opportunities visit

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (40)
The Renegade Order
Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (41)

Posted - 2007.05.14 07:04:00 -[7]
Well hey there....

I thought I would drop you a note... Depending on what you want out of a community or corporation.. I'd be more than interested in giving you a proper presentation of who we are, what we do and why we do it. I'd also like to say that we're a group of adult players.. most people are around 30 if not older.. and we have full respect for players that have RL commitments and have to prioritize that occasionally...

A bit about myself as a person. I tell this because I feel it's important for people to know their "leader" as well.. I'm danish myself.. turning 32 in july and are the founder of our entire community, including our EVE corporation.
I work as a systems administrator in RL.. a job that can be a bit hectic at times =)

I'm also part of the leadership group in IAC, where my responsibilities have to do with alliance organisation, structure and information flow...

.. And now.. to get back to us.. In short, RIA is a EVE corporation that is a part of a multigame guild community. That means that you by joining us always will have a "home" in any gaming scenario. If you at some point in the future would end up being tired of EVE, you dont have to leave the friends you've gotten to know through your time in our community, but you can remain a member and join one of the other gaming sections - or even create one yourself if you so wish.

Another thing you will find different with us is that, your character profile itself is second priority to us.. All around, you see people recruiting based solely on skillpoints. We recruit based on mentality, loyalty and interests from applicants in taking active part in our community. We strongly believe that the road to a solid community is gained by attracting and recruiting likeminded gaming enthusiasts, rather than players who only focus on skillpoints.

Our EVE corporation was founded back in 2006 and have had numerous ups and downs like everyone else. We recently started recruiting again after going through a rough clean-up, and are now aiming to increase our memberbase and doing so be acquiring the best individuals possible. Not only by competenance/amount of skillpoints, but also by finding people that are "socially compatible" with our community - meaning down to earth, friendly and helpful.

Like mentined above... We are members of IAC, aka Interstellar Alcohol Conglomerate. Generally widely respected, and also one of the biggest alliances in the game....
This means that you by joining our corporation, also become members of an alliance who like ourselves, wishes to excel.

We are a 0,0 based corporation that has its home in the Catch Region, and also have a small empire based corporation that is used primarily for empire hauling, and lower SP characters...

Generally, we try to aim for 10+ million SP and getting specialized characters.. like, Capital ship pilots, force recon, command ship, inty and so on - but exceptions can naturally be made for the right individuals.
We appreciate and acknowledge ambitious people with a drive for leadership, but that naturally isn't a requirement.

By joining us, you would get:

    .. into a corporation that values loyal members and a social team-spirit.
    .. into one of the leading and very well structured alliances in-game (IAC).
    ... to join us 0,0
    Access to Sansha rats
    Access to multiple complexes (also 10/10)
    Access to the rarest minerals in game.
    Access to a several 0,0 based outposts at our home.
    Access to jump clones.
    Daily Alliance Fleet Ops.
    Alliance based ship-reimbursem*nt program for Fleet Ops.

... and more...

Feel free to consider us and contact me in-game, either through EVE-Mail or Convo if you got any questions..

Also, feel free to read the recruitment link placed in the bottom of my signature below. In there you will find more information, and also links to various resources on our website.

Thanks for reading.

- Signed, PoPa!

- = Join The Renegade Order Now! = -

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (44)
Ephemeral Waves
The Nine Gates
Executive Outcomes

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (45)

Posted - 2007.05.14 20:09:00 -[8]
Hi Sulan,

The Nine Gates sounds like it would suit you well (besides I'm also in Vancouver).

We're a pvp corp with our own outpost in 0.0. We've got lots of targets with daily roaming gangs, fleet action and cap ship pew pew.

We have in house industry to support our combat pilots - or for you help with if you need a change of pace. We've got good rats, mature players and highly experienced pvper's and FCs.

Contact me or The Government for more info.


Now Recruiting

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (48)
Elite Storm Enterprises
Storm Armada

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (49)

Posted - 2007.05.14 21:39:00 -[9]
Hello Sulan,

I would like to invite you to take a look at Elite Storm Enterprises. We are a 120+ man/woman (Mature, Active, Family Oriented) CORP and the founders of the Storm Armada Alliance (Currently consists of our CORP and two other small Corporations consisting of very good friends). Our CEO has been a pilot in EVE for three years and is one of the original founders of the FIX Alliance. A finer CEO or Fleet Commander you will not find anywhere in EVE. We currently live in 0.0 space, and have many programs to support our pilots

  • Free tech 1 Frigates and Cruisers
  • Free tech 1 ammo, mods and drones
  • Ship production for our pilots at or below the best empire pricing
  • Kill mail bonuses
  • Station Access in 0.0
  • Team Speak for Voice Comms

Please take a look at the public area of our website and forum located here
--> ESE Website
We also have a recruitment post on the EVE forums with information as well. It is located here
--> EVE Recruitment Post

If what you see interests you then please contact one of the following in game (Convo or EVE mail).

OneHawk - Chief of Personnel
Screamer - Division Commander
Wraithstorm û CEO

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (52)
United League of Independents

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (53)

Posted - 2007.05.14 22:52:00 -[10]

I thank all of you who took the time to read through my post and make a reply. I will be considering all of your offers very carefully within the next two days. I will also try to personally contact you or your recruitment officers shortly.

ThanksEVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (56)

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (57)
Hustle Fighter
Murientor Tribe

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (58)

Posted - 2007.05.15 12:21:00 -[11]
The Murientor Tribe is Recruiting!

Hey Sulan! Got an appetite for non-stop action? Looking for an upbeat active corps? Then the Murientor Tribe may be your ticket.

Founded in 2005, the Murientor Tribe is a close-knit prosperous band of warriors. Our HQ is based in Nakah in the region of Derelik, but our base of activity is in the adjacent 0.0 region of Providence, where we maintain several POS and an alliance Outpost called Unity.

The Murientor Tribe is a proud member of the Ushra'Khan [U'K], the oldest role-playing alliance in the Eve universe. All members of U'K are committed to the abolition of slavery, a worthy cause that provides us with another layer to the game. And lots of daily combat.

Our tribes have been at war with the forces of slavery, particularly Curatores Veritatis Alliance [CVA], for almost three years. We live, work and play in a combat zone - and it's not for the faint of heart. But you'll get more laughs than running missions in Empire. Guaranteed.

Daily Combat Operations

Warriors of the Murientor Tribe participate in the daily cleaning of the major pipes in Providence. We keep this 0.0 region free and open to all neutral and allied players. We practice a NRDS policy and we do our best to keep pirates out of the neighborhood.

We conduct daily raids into enemy territory, disrupting their commerce, destroying their POS, and ganking the forces of tyranny. Of course, they strike back with a vengeance. And so it has been for years.

Who Should Apply?

Senior players are always welcome. We always need more carriers and dreads. And no one can have enough snipers and recon pilots. You can make 5 to 10 million isk per hour ratting in Providence and the economy is strong for a 0.0 region.

Rookies are also welcome. We'll get you into 0.0 combat as soon as you can fly frigates with MWD and tackling mods. Eve has a steep learning curve and what better place to learn the game than with a tribe of seasoned veterans?

We have players from all time zones, and no matter where you are from, you'll find Murientor and U'K players in combat around the clock. There is no lack of action.

How to Apply

Start by visiting our website where you can learn the history of our tribe.

Drop by the U'K public channel called Unite-Now, where you can ask questions about the alliance, our goals and operations.

You may also write to our CEO, Onnen Mentar, requesting more information or an interview. Or convo Hustle Fighter in-game.

Or jump right into the fun by applying for membership at our HQ in Nakah at the Thukker Mix Factory in Derelik.

See you out there!

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (61)
Sturmgrenadier Inc
R i s e

EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (62)

Posted - 2007.05.15 14:29:00 -[12]

Multi-Game Clan--Est. 2000--We know how to run an organization!

* Strong PVP, Adults in age and mentality, TS a must, 3 Mil Skills, See www.SturmGrenadier.com for details!


▲Winning Battles across EVE, WOW, Warzone, and Planetside for over 7 years! www.SturmGrenadier.com ▲
* Strong PVP, Adults in age and mentality, TS a must, 3 Mil Skills.

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EVE Search - 18.6 mil SP player looking for alliance warfare (2024)


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